Roca Sales – Restaurante & Bar


DURATION: 4 x 26 minutes


CPB: B24-002550-00000

LOGLINE: Laura leaves his small town to study in the capital, where her family owns Roca Sales – Bar & Restaurant. When she disappears, her family, with no aptitude for investigation, ends up immersed in a universe to which they do not belong, and where not everything is as it seems..



The series will show, for the first time, the universe of Porto Alegre downtown. It’s a paradoxical region, where cosmopolitan multiculturalism is surrounded by a provincial aura. The picturesque characters who are part of this environment will be prominent in this investigative comedy that uses a light and humorous tone to bring to the audience a modern Romeo and Juliet style tale. In this story, a family of Italian descendants from a small town, who owns a 24/7 snack bar will have to, in their own way, investigate Laura’s disappearance, and overcome the shortage of chicken hearts – the main ingredient of their burgers.





Laura leaves Roca Sales, a small town in Rio Grande do Sul, to study in the state capital. Her family, of Italian origins, own Roca Sales – Bar & Restaurant, open 24/7 in the heart of downtown Porto Alegre.

Dener is a young black man who lives with her sister in the south side and works in downtown at a competitor to Roca Sales. Something unusual happens when he doesn’t return home and his sister, in panic, embarks in a search for the boy.

Laura also disappears and her family ends up involved in an unusual investigation, trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together and find the girl in a maze where not everything is what it seems.





  Sofia Pisani as Laura







João Vítor Machado as Dener






Fernando Waschburger as Maicon






Lucas Krug as Maikel






Elaine Braghirolli as Nona






Nelson Diniz as Lalo






Paula Souza as Pâmela





Pitty Sgarb as Detetive Cassandra








Rodrigo Pessin as Magari





Glória Andrades as Dener’s Grand Mother






Clemente Viscaino as Lalo’s Father






Marisa da Costa as Mother of X, News Reporter and Roca’s Costumer





 Artur José Pinto as Ernesto







Pedro Tergolina as Luiz






Marcos Kligman as Man of Hair, Augusto Riquelme e Dr. Celular






Davi Braga as X






Rose Nunes as Dog Owner







Direction: Marcio Schoenardie







Creation and script: Vinícius Perez 






Script: Silvana Rodrigues






Script: João Kowacs Castro 







Script Consultancy: Léo Garcia

Production and Executive Production: Flávia Matzenbacher 

Photography Direction: Bruno Polidoro 

Art Direction: Vanessa Rodrigues 

Editing: Lúcio Born 

Music and sound design: Onomato