Compass | Short film

DURATION: 15 minutos


YEAR: 2018

CPB: B1800037000000


SYNOPSIS: Alex lives with his mother in a country town. Amid the pain of loss, her mother tries to rescue in memory the good memories that remain of her husband and face the fear that the son will have the same fate as the father.


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Official selection at 7º Cineserra – Caxias do Sul/RS

Official selection at 7º Cine Caramelo – Porto Alegre/RS

Official selection at 2º Festival Saindo da Gaveta – Minas Gerais

Official selection at 1º Festival Santa Cruz de Cinema – Santa Cruz do Sul/RS


CAST: Liane Venturella and Carlos Aleixo


Screenplay and direction: Thiago Ballvé

Executive production: Flávia Matzenbacher

Direction of photography: Alvaro Escoto

Art direction: Sandro Dreher

Edition: Lúcio Born

Color grading: Rafael Duarte

Music: Gustavo Foppa

Sound design: Gustavo Foppa e Pedro Mariano Wortmann